

26 March 2019

Yesterday, the Public Bodies involved in Noemix convened in Udine, to learn about and discuss the results of a survey on their mobility needs, carried out in the frame of Noemix by a team coordinated by Romeo Danielis, professor of Applied Economics at the Department of Economics, Management, Mathematical and Statistical Sciences of the University of Trieste (Noemix partner).

Following the opening addresses from a representative of the Regional Councilor for the Environment and Energy, Fabio Scoccimarro, and a short presentation of Noemix project by Sebastiano Cacciaguerra, Director of the Energy Service of the Directorate for Environment and Energy at Region Friuli Venezia Giulia, Danielis presented the details of the analysis.

It represents a snapshot of almost the entire universe of Friuli Venezia Giulia’s public bodies. The information gathered as a result of this research allowed the analysis of the PA fleets in terms of number and age of the vehicles, distances travelled, terms of use, as well as management and maintenance costs.

As highlighted yesterday by Barbara Monaco from Area Science Park, the meeting also marked the official kickoff of a phase of intense exchange between Noemix and the regional PA involved in the project, also for the return of the analysis on charging infrastructures.

Noemix project, in fact, envisages the activation, by 2021, of a turnkey service providing PA with not only electric vehicles, but also charging infrastructures, software for fleets’ management and photovoltaic power generation systems to be placed on public buildings or spaces.

Yesterday meeting represents only one of the events planned by Noemix for spring 2019.

Last march 20, Noemix partners met in Roma different players operating in the sustainable mobility value chain, with the aim to initiate a consultation that may help project partners to properly structure the administrative procedures required for activating the public private partnership of the future Noemix service (read the news). Yesterday, Regional PA and Noemix partners with  Alberto Valecchi from ANIASIA, Associazione Nazionale Industria dell’Autonoleggio e Servizi Automobilistici, discussed also on this topic and on the feedback from the market place.